How To Fix Lag Problem On Nexus 7

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 30 Juni 2013 0 komentar
When I reviewed the Nexus 7 for the first time, among the many tips and tutorial that I made ​​there was that relating to remove the lag, that annoying shots that often plague the device with Android OS in their use. Android is good

how to fix lag on nexus8

Lag On Nexus 7

Well a few days and with extreme surprise I began to find, right on the Nexus 7, the presence of lag On Nexus 7 when accessing the application menu, scrolling through the pages of the list.

Not surprisingly, when you want to test the presence or absence of various shots and Scattini on a particular mobile device, the first thing you do is just to enter the menu of the app and "shake" the pages of that menu. With mixed feelings among the surprised and disappointed I promptly googled "lag nexus 7", and behold, I realized that I was not the only one to find the problem.

Fix lag on Nexus 7

However, as in many such cases, the Internet and Youtube I have been friends since right on the site of the world's most popular video I found the solution to the problem, thank you Noel Barcellos. Below you can see how to fix lag on nexus 7

Unbelievable but true, to cause delays, the lag in the homescreen and the menu of the app was active automatic synchronization in Google Now, the news aggregator made ​​in Mountain View.

In fact, once off the option, the lag is gone and the Nexus 7 has returned to runs smoothly, without any kind of lag. As shown in the video, to disable automatic synchronization of Google Now you can just access the menu of the app from the homescreen central, plug the Google Now, plug the settings icon in the top right of the software, select "settings "and then uncheck the box to the right of the" Active Sync ".

So, as unfortunately happens too frequently, to cause certain types of problems are single app. The absurd thing is that in the case that cause the annoying "lagging" is from an official software of Google. In the hope that those responsible should be given to do to solve the problem and prevent future, I hope to be helpful to people like me who has experienced the thrill of seeing lagg on the Nexus 7.

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[Tutorial] Instalar la Cámara y Galería de Android 4.2 - Nuevo Android 4.3

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Link del vídeo:

Vídeo donde vemos el análisis de la nueva cámara y galería de Android 4.2 que incorporan los terminales con Google Edition. La aplicación no remplaza la cámara y galería originales de nuestro equipo. Estas aplicaciones solo serán replazadas únicamente si disponemos de un terminal con Android "puro" (sin capa de personalización por parte del fabricante) como es el caso de los Nexus. Para más información sobre la nueva ROM filtrada con Android 4.3 mirar aquí.

Archivos necesarios

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Android 4.2 Integrated New Security System

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Before, i have discussed about list of android 4.2 new features. On that post i have discuss about some new features on android such as photosphere or panorama, But Actually now google also improve new security system on android 4.2. The security of Android, is one of those features that was perhaps slightly left behind by Google, perhaps more than for mishandling a matter of freedom (especially when you consider the many possibilities it offers to install Android application as well as the speed at which an application is loaded on the Market since there are no controls).Android is good

Android 4.2 New Security System

For this reason, malicious applications have spread like wildfire on Android, and so far, besides the various Anti-Virus can be installed aftermarket, it was no other security unless the attention of the end user. Now it seems just that Google wanted to provide its new version Android 4.2 Jelly Bean with a Anti-Malware service .

Probably, the new anti-malware scanner for android 4.2 will work with its part "server-side" . In fact, if it will protect us from the applications on the market, Android 4.2 will protect us from those installed by unknown sources (Aptoide, downloaded from the Internet, etc.), all in real time.

It will be interesting to see the service in action since the first time it is used. In addition to this, it seems that Google has introduced a feature that would allow us to know if any application tries to send text messages in the background, and then leave us the possibility to cancel or continue with the operation.

From today, the Android world is safer, much safer than before, but the first safety is given the attention of the user, so it's better to be always stay alert!

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Nexus 4 Android 4.2.1 Update Release

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 28 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Today Nexus 4 officially release android 4.2.1 update. What was that for disapppointment a few days ago, when one or more users have found that the so-called "date picker" in Android 4.2 do not have December month on it. So if we wanted to create a contact who is celebrating his birthday in December, it was definitely before a small problem. A few days later, but then Google announced that the problem was known, and now it is working on a solution for that is today well distributed among the devices in the form of a small update. It is to Android 4.2.1 and the first Nexus 4 update that will received by the owners, but for myself, unfortunately i have not received any update message.Android is good

Because this android 4.2.1 update just over a megabyte in size, we may therefore certainly do not expect further changes, except the return of the Christmas month.

But hope the Android 4.2 User not only resolve the elimination of the December bug with this update. Another major point of criticism such as the decreased battery life of the devices with the latest Android version. This was also reflected in the Nexus 4 noticeable. Hopefully, this vulnerability was also fixed the same! Let's hope there.


Who wants to wait but not as long as on the Android 4.2.1 update for Nexus 4, of course, has the option to download the update manually. It is a modest 1.06 MB. When you open the zip file, you can see a set of patches, which suggest that Google still includes some holes with this update. You can manually download the update, however, already, then flash via ClockworkMod Recovery. The download you get from Google's servers.

download OTA update android 4.2.1

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Instalar el Boot Animation y el Live Wallpaper de Google Edition en terminales Android

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 27 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Link del vídeo:  
Vídeo tutorial que enseña como instalar el Boot Animation y el Live Wallpaper que traen los equipos HTC One y Galaxy S4 Google Edition.

Para instalar el Live Wallpaper (Phase Beam)

  • Solo deben descargar el archivo SunBeamRed.apk.
  • Obs.:  Si este método no funciona, debes copiar el archivo a la carpeta system/app y cambiar los permisos a "rw--r--r". Para realizar este procedimiento tienes que tener acceso root. 

Para instalar el Boot Animation
  • Debes tener instalado el CWM, pues instalaremos los archivos desde el Recovery.  Sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí.
  • Realizar un backup de tu ROM actual para restaurarla después en caso de que tengas algún problema, sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí.
  • Descargar el archivo con el nombre CWM_CustomBootanimation_421_Enable y el archivo GoogleBootanimation-signed.

Créditos | XDA | XDA 

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Samsung GT-I9400 Probably Not The Samsung Galaxy S 4

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
A few more months will it take then the Samsung Galaxy S 4 will comes on the market, at least that's the assumption. We'd like to think that the Korean company will not contribute the Galaxy S3 or so, but the number of high-end flagship will continue as usual. the five-digit designation from the smartphone model, which denotes partial bit clearer the exact model was not always in a logical order. So the Galaxy S was the I90XX, the Galaxy S2 and the I91XX the Galaxy S3 I93XX said. Sure, the third version in the Galaxy S 3 smartphone fits better, but it would actually have to pay the I92XX, but here it was the Galaxy Nexus previously. For you that don't know about the rumor of galaxy s4, in my previous post i have discuss about Galaxy S4 will release at end of february (rumor)

What I mean by that? It's not entirely surprising that apparently the name I94XX is not intended for the Galaxy S 4, for the first time, a device called Samsung GT-I9400 is a benchmark showed up, which is equipped with an older Mali 400 GPU and a WVGA display. So certainly by its specification should not become theGalaxy S4, right? It is also possible that only individual components are tested as the camera of the Galaxy S 4, the individual unmasked by the benchmark older modules so may safely be ignored. Android is good

News about Samsung GT-I9400

samsung gt-i9400 probably not the galaxy s4

Ultimately, we can see from the data that it will probably give a device called "GT-I9400". Currently remains unclear to what is device it is.
So the conclusion is Samsung GT-I9400 maybe is not the Galaxy s4 because from the benchmark result, the graphic is didn't show if those smartphone have the better quality than the galaxy s3.

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ROM Dirty Unicorns Android 4.2.2 Samsung Galaxy S3 [Review & Tutorial]

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 26 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Link del vídeo:

Vídeo Review de la custom ROM Dirty Unicorns v3.0 para el Samsung Galaxy S3 i9300. Para conocer más detalles sobre esta ROM visitar la página del autor aquí.

Observaciones y recomendaciones importantes para instalar la ROM 
  • Para llevar acabo el tutorial debes tener instalado el CWM, pues instalaremos la ROM desde el Recovery.  Sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí.
  • Realizar un backup de la carpeta efs si es la primera vez que flasheas una ROM. Sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí. Este paso es de suma importancia para aquellos que tienen un terminal que no es libre de fábrica y van a cambiar de ROM por primera vez. 
  • Realizar un backup de tu ROM actual (opcional) para restaurarla después en caso de que sea necesario, sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí
  • Recuerda que al realizar los wipes: todos los archivos como por ejemplo fotos, músicas y vídeos serán borrados si estos se almacenan en la memoria interna del terminal. Puedes copiar tus archivos a la tarjeta SD (o al ordenador) para que no sean borrados.
  • Si deseas guardar las .apk (archivo instalador de apps) de tus Aplicaciones de la Play Store para poder instalarlas luego sin tener que descargarlas nuevamente mira aquí.  
  • Para no perder ninguno de tus contactos puedes sincronizarlos con tu cuenta de gmail para restaurarlos después de actualizar. 
  • Antes de actualizar tendrás que cargar tu terminal lo suficiente para garantizar que no se interrumpa el proceso de instalación. 

Archivos necesarios 

Para instalar la ROM debemos seguir estos pasos:
  • Descargar la ROM.
  • Descargamos las gapps.
  • Copiar los dos archivos que hemos descargado en la memoria de nuestro terminal sin descomprimirlos. 
  • Apagar el terminal. 
  • Iniciar en modo recovery presionando simultáneamente los botones volumen "arriba + home + power" hasta que aparezca el menú de recovery. 
  • Realizamos la limpieza de datos: "Wipe data factory reset", "Wipe cache partition", "Wipe dalvik cache" (en advanced).
  • Volvemos al menú inicial y seleccionamos "Install ZIP from SD Card" y luego seleccionamos la opción "Internal SDcard" (memoria interna del terminal) o "External SDcard" (tarjeta SD) dependiendo de donde hayamos copiado los archivos descargados. 
  • Buscamos el archivo "" lo seleccionamos, confirmamos y comienza la instalación.
  • Cuando la instalación termine buscamos el archivo "" lo seleccionamos, confirmamos y comienza la instalación nuevamente.
  • Cuando la instalación finalice volvemos atrás hasta el menú inicial y seleccionamos "Reboot System Now".
  • El terminal se reinicia. El primer arranque puede demorar algunos minutos, es normal.
  • Listo, ya tenemos nuestra nueva ROM instalada.

Más información 
  • ¿Dudas sobre qué es el recovery, ROM, ROOT, flasheo, wipes?. Mirar aquí.
  • Preguntas frecuentes de los usuarios. Mirar aquí.
  • ¿Problemas después de cambiar de ROM? Conexión 3G o bloqueo SIM. Mirar aquí.

Créditos | XDA

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Tutorial Root Asus Transformer Prime With Windows Tool

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Shortly after the market launch of the Asus Transformer Prime has managed the development community to rooten the tablet next, will gives you the way for make numerous modifications on your asus transformer prime. After this morning by only a somewhat complicated instructions on AndroidPolice had appeared, was a member of the xda-developers now published a handy Windows utility. This allows even inexperienced owner of Transformer Prime achieve with just one click to have root access.Android is good, below i will give the more detailed guide on how to root Asus transformer prime with one click tool

tutorial root asus transformer prime

What many ordinary consumer might sound like useless gadgets is indeed an important step to unlock additional features. Since the user with root privileges has full access to the file system of Android, for example, far-reaching changes to the design are made. A backup of the complete system, the removal of pre-installed apps, the simple making of screenshots or installing custom ROMs are possible.

Read First
As always, the root process occurs naturally at their own risk and neither the developer nor do not responsible for any damage to the device.

Root Asus Transformer With One Click Tool
asus transformer prime root tool windows

To root the Asus Transformer Prime, the steps that are needed is:

  1. Download the. Zip file here and unpack it on your computer.
  2. Complete the Transformer Prime on to your PC and install all the drivers that are in the. Zip file.
  3. Start the viperMOD Tool.exe primers and select the appropriate option.
If you would like the Asus Transformer Prime to have the root acces So for the first time, you just need to type the number 1 and press Enter. This automatically starts the root process, and you need do nothing further. If you want to remove the root access again, you just have to repeat the steps listed above, and then press the 2.

Ok that's it, i hope this tutorial about how to root asus transformer prime will help you to gain acces to your device, and will let you customize your device.

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Tips To Troubleshooting Signal Problem On Android Smartphone

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 25 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Besided error on an Application or bug there are also another problem that maybe very annoyed your pleasure when you are using your android smartphone. It is about signal problem. Apart from asking basic questions about which is the good or best Android smartphones, which is perfect for gaming, which is better, specifications, and troubleshoot some of the issues, it is many of the existing users who ask questions about signal problems on android smartphone. So today i will share tips how to troubleshoot no signal problem on android device

Signal Problem On Android Smartphone (No Signal)

Weak signal issues or no signal on android smartphone is a normal thing that maybe happens any where and regardless of any kind of smartphone. Below,Android is good, I list the sources that contribute to the acceptance of a weak signal in the smartphone:

  • Hardware problems - (repair)
  • Problem Software (Firmware Upgrade) - reset @ awaited update fixes from manufacturer
  • Problem stems from the service provider
  • The Users

Through this article i will only discuss the causes on the third and fourth only, Service Providers and Users. I mean the service provider here refers to the telecon companies that provide services to you such as Celcom, Maxis, DiGi, U Mobile, and so on. Meanwhile, the user is you!

NOTE: This setting may vary depending on the smartphone model and firmware version. These tips are just as basic guidelines intended for the sharing of information

Tips To Troubleshooting Signal Problem On Android Smartphone

Signal problem in this android smartphone many faced if you activate 3G service. It should be noted that the 3G coverage to every telecom company is different and mostly concentrated in urban and suburban areas only.
By default, network settings in every smartphone set to 3G and this is why you get no signal should be stable in areas with low 3G coverage.
Refer to the second image below and compare. The first image No Signal (3G) and second image Full Signal (2G).

trouble shoot signal problem on android phone

how to fix signal problem

To change the setting from 2G to 3G or vice versa: Settings -> More Settings -> Mobile Networks -> Network Mode. (Galaxy S3 Jellybean 4.1.1)
For user data package or not, it is recommended to not activate 3G if outside the 3G coverage area. Activate only when necessary mainly for internet access. Apart from being able to reduce the problem of signal, this method also can help reduce data usage and your smartphone battery.

Maybe you will also like this : Android battery saving tips

Ok, that's it. I hope this article about tips to troubleshoot no signal problem on your android phone will help you if you meet with such a situation.

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Samsung Galaxy Note Android 4.1.2 XXLSA Firmware Leak

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 23 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Anybody here use Samsung Galaxy Note as your android smartphone? if you use those gadget i have good news for you. Now Google is currently working for android 4.1.2 update On this smartphone, besides galaxy note google also make the same update for Samsunf Galaxy s2. And google looks like will relase this update not in a long time more. Because The android Firmware Leak for android 4.1.2 has released. And the firmware is called with XXLSA version.Android is good

Actually Google before was promised to release the android 4.1.2 update on late november, but it seems google can't keep the promise. Because usually if official firmware will released if the firmware have at least more than one firmware leak. Because firmware leak means that the firmware still not stable enough or maybe have some bugs on it. But who knows if tomorrow or few days more google release the android XXLSA firmware update. Because we know if google developers is smart and hard worker

The Samsung GALAXY Note GT-N7000 and Samsung Galaxy S2 will become android 4.1 this year. As seen today, it could be something that will happend until mid-December. For now, another Android 4.1.2 firmware has emerged for those 2 smartphone.


galaxy note XXLSA firimware update

If you want to install the firmware, First you must download the XXLSA Android 4.1.2. But The guys of SamMobile and All others who said that would be better if you wait the official firmware. Samsung said that it might only take a further 2 weeks to Android 4.1.2 will find their way to the Samsung GALAXY Note.

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Tutorial y Review de la custom ROM EvilRom v0.6 para el Samsung Galaxy S2

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013 0 komentar
Link del vídeo:
Vídeo tutorial y análisis de la custom ROM EvilRom v0.6 con Android 4.1.2 para el Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100. Para conocer todos los detalles de esta ROM visitar la página del concinero Devil_1210  en el siguiente enlace

Observaciones y recomendaciones importantes para instalar la ROM 

  • Para llevar acabo el tutorial debes tener instalado el CWM, pues instalaremos la ROM desde el Recovery. Sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí.
  • Realizar un backup de la carpeta efs si es la primera vez que flasheas una ROM. Sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí. Este paso es de suma importancia para aquellos que tienen un terminal que no es libre de fábrica y van a cambiar de ROM por primera vez. 
  • Realizar un backup de tu ROM actual (opcional) para restaurarla después en caso de que sea necesario, sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí
  • Recuerda que al realizar los wipes: todos los archivos como por ejemplo fotos, músicas y vídeos serán borrados si estos se almacenan en la memoria interna del terminal. Puedes copiar tus archivos a la tarjeta SD (o al ordenador) para que no sean borrados.
  • Si deseas guardar las .apk (archivo instalador de apps) de tus Aplicaciones de la Play Store para poder instalarlas luego sin tener que descargarlas nuevamente mira aquí.  
  • Para no perder ninguno de tus contactos puedes sincronizarlos con tu cuenta de gmail para restaurarlos después de actualizar. 
  • Antes de actualizar tendrás que cargar tu terminal lo suficiente para garantizar que no se interrumpa el proceso de instalación. 

Archivos necesarios 

    Más información 
    • ¿Dudas sobre qué es el recovery, ROM, ROOT, flasheo, wipes?. Mirar aquí.
    • Preguntas frecuentes de los usuarios. Mirar aquí.
    • ¿Problemas después de cambiar de ROM? Conexión 3G o bloqueo SIM. Mirar aquí.

    Créditos | HTCmania

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    Samsung Galaxy S Advance Will Get Android 4.1 On January

    Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
    The Samsung developers is currently work hard to make update for their smartphone models. And if their job have finished Samsung Galaxy S Advance will get the Android 4.1 update. The samsung developers always give the best that they can, So their smartphone will gets the Android 4.1 update. Android is good

    We all know that This year samsung have already released android 4.1 update for theri flasgship model. The first model that gets the android 4.1 update is Samsung Galaxy S3 and the Samsung GALAXY Note 2 and a few other devices will also receive the update soon, it should appear for the Samsung GALAXY Note and the Samsung Galaxy S2, later this year. And last night, Samsung has announced on Facebook that the will released The Jelly Bean update for another smartphone.

    Actaually Samsung Galaxy S Advance wasn't expected to get the Jelly Bean update this year. This update will make the phone will improve the feature and can enjoy the goodness of many feature. for more details about the feature you can read Android Jelly Bean New feature. But we can see that samsung have said it on facebook:

    "Dear fans, more and more devices will now receive the update to Android Jelly Bean. Even the Galaxy S I9070 Advance receives this and in January on gravel or over-the-air are available."

    Galaxy S Advance Will Receive Android 4.1 on January

    Galaxy S Advance android 4.1 update

    One can assume that samsung on this update didn't mention wether it is Android 4.2 update or not. Well, i think it is rather the Android 4.1.1 than Android 4.1.2 update to the Samsung GALAXY S Advance. Nevertheless will probably all users of the smartphone now looking forward to January!

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    Easy Tutorial Flash Cyanogenmod 7.2 On Galaxy S I9000

    Posted by Unknown Jumat, 21 Juni 2013 0 komentar
    Do You have galaxy S GT-I9000 smartphone on your hand? for you which use those phone as your android device i will share cm7.2 custom rom that will make you more enjoy with your galaxy s. Because on this custom rom bring many new features. So at this time i will discuss about cyanogendmod. this custom is the most popular rom on the internet newayads.Android is good

    CyanogenMod 7.2 or also known as CM7.2 is a custom ROM called that will replace the pre-installed operating system. The ROM is based on code from the official Android 2.3.4 version. This code was changed so that more changes are possible. The user interface can be adapted, the CPU can be overclocked, there are several new features. Supposedly, the Galaxy S also more stable and run smoothly (lagfix). The CyanogenMod is constantly evolving, almost every day there is a new version.

    Read First

    • Before you flash cm7.2 on galaxy s you must have Root privileges. Non-root user can not install CyanogenMod 7. You have root acces on Samsung Galaxy S first.
    • Don't forget to make Backup
      It is doubly good to have a backup of your important files:
      First System data as it Appinstallationen, Scores, settings, bookmarks, etc. are formatted. These data can be restored from a backup after flashing. you can read on tutorial perform nandroid backup
    • If you play safe. The app Titanium Backup to create a full backup (in app: Menu button -> Batch -> All System Files). The app also need a root privileges.

    Install ClockworkMod Recovery On Galaxy S

    In order to install CyanogenMod 7.2 you need the ClockworkMod Recovery. Which can easily via the ROM Manager app to install. Go to the Android Market and search for ROM Manager. Then Run the rom manager, on the menu click Flash ClockworkMod Recovery (top). The app requires root privileges!


    • Android 2.1 or Android 2.2
    • Root privileges
    • ClockworkMod Recovery has to work! (Volume up button + home button + on button down for 3 seconds then hold apply sdcard: select)
    • Time (approx. 30 min.)
    • Mobile phone battery should be at. be half full
    • Enough memory on mobile free (at least 250MB)

    Download The File
    Download: CyanogenMod 7.0 for Galaxy S i9000
    Filename: (XX = number)

    Tutorial Flash CM7.2  on Galaxy S i9000

    1. download The ROM
    2. Root your device and make backup
    3. and install ClockworkMod Recovery
    4. connect your phone to the PC via USB
    5. In the phone memory should work now appear (Phone). Create a folder in it and drag the file purely
    6. Galaxy S off, and in recovery mode (Volume Up + Home + At) start
    7. In "normal" recovery mode you can navigate with the volume buttons and select with the home button
    8. Select wipe data / factory reset and wipe cache partition from
    9. Now go to apply sdcard:, it seems that ClockworkMod Recovery Menu
    10. In ClockworkMod Recovery mode can be navigated using the volume keys and confirmed with the An-/Aus-Button
      tutorial flash cm 7.2 on galaxy 2
    11. Choose the menu item install zip from sdcard
    12. Go to choose zip from sdcard
    13. Now choose and certify
    14. Wait! Let your cell phone do the work alone. Until the process is completed, it can take up to 10 minutes
    Congratulations, Now you have succefully install cyanogenmod 7.2 on your device.

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    WhatsApp Alternative : Kik Messenger 6 With New Features

    Posted by Unknown Kamis, 20 Juni 2013 2 komentar
    Today there is another news again from WhatsApp. In this week many news spread about the most popular messenger on android, but unfortunately it as a bad news again. We all know if this messenger apps on android smartphone is very popular. But in recent days on this messenger app a low security is surfaced to the media. Besides that whatsapp also will charge their user that use android. you can read on my previous post about Whatsapp will charge android user. Well, every android smartphone users still can decide will they still use this app or not. In any case, of course, the call for alternatives to WhatsApp is getting bigger, So today i will discuss about whatsapp alternative for android it is Kik Messenger. Therefore one has released the 6th version of the Messenger it is also quite popular, which has a few new features on board.

    The new version 6 of Kik Messenger has some interesting new features on board. Some of kik messenger feature is, Now you can for example now has an integrated function much easier photos and YouTube videos look on the Internet, and also share the same with his contacts. And with an integrated sketch function can even paint with its Kik Messenger contacts and draw.Android is good
    Meanwhile, the messenger was able to build a solid base of 30 million users. And when I look at the app Sun, then I understand why, because the surface is fixed, clear and easy to work.

    WhatsApp Alternative : Kik Messenger

    kik messenger whatsapp alternative

    We have made list of best whatsapp alternatives

    The Kik Messenger is always at its core function as a text messenger. The highlight is that you can extend it using so-called cards. These cards are optional. You can see it as a plugin or addon, as it is handled well with browsers. So you can expand the Kik Messenger quite to his liking. The download in Google Play store is also free.
    So if you interest to try this app download kik messenger from play store

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    ZTE Apache Release With 8 Core Processor From MediaTek

    Posted by Unknown Rabu, 19 Juni 2013 0 komentar
    The upgrade of specifications on android smartphone is continues! Next year was thought that probably all major manufacturers will implemented a quad-core processor block in their smartphones flagships model, as the 8 core processors for smartphones come into play. The first smartphone that comw with 8 core processors in the world perhaps could become a model of ZTE from China. The previously news from Mediatek mentioned that the ZTE Apache allegedly received an 8 core processor.

    Quad-core CPU in a smartphone?t. As was known now, ZTE plans with the previously mentioned model Apache for the beginning of 2013, the first 8 core smartphone in the world. The SoC, which is named MT6599 should be manufactured in a 28 nm process, and then in May in ZTE Apache will celebrate its premiere release.Android is good

    ZTE Apache Specdifications

    But that will probably not be the only highlight at ZTE Apache. In addition, the smartphone will probably get a 1080p Full HD display, a 13mp camera, and connectivity for WCDMA/4G LTE / TD-SCDMA. If indeed right here seems the next cracker come to China too. ZTE and does not seem to be the only manufacturer with an 8-core processor, Samsung is working on such a CPU.


    zte apache 8 core processor

    I still wondering where are this model coming to. Even with the advent of the quad-core smartphone has been in a discussion about the sense or nonsense of that but Octo-Core? Must be really? The smartphone manufacturers should now prefer to put their energy into improving battery technology, because what the goodness from a smartphone if it is empty after 6 hours?

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    Today Adblock Plus For Android Release On Play Store

    Posted by Unknown Selasa, 18 Juni 2013 0 komentar
    As you know that now almost all of android apps when you are use the apps sometimes always appears some advertisiment that can disturb your eyes. the Ads not only appears on android apps. But also appears on game. From time to time Even in recent times, many users feels disturbed with those thing. But now there was information about the appearance of AdBlock Plus an Ad Blockers for android smartphones, specifically for the Android platform. Tomorrow it is supposed to be the time, the Cologne firm EYEO GmbH behind Adblock Plus is ready to roll out Today. The public version of AdBlock Plus on the smartphones of the Republic and as well as mobile advertising block.Android is good

    Adblock Plus : Android Ads block apps

    Adblock for android today release on android

    The developers advise that it is the app for the first time be able to block any advertising. No matter what: banners, ads before videos or advertising inserts in Apps: AdBlock Plus wants to put an end to the ads. The browser version of AdBlock Plus was, according to the Financial Times, downloaded over 50 million times. In the United States and United Kingdom use approximately two to three percent of the surfer ad blocker.

    In Germany, the extension is even more popular. Almost 10 percent of all users are on the go with ad blocker. AdBlock Plus also mobile on a white list for non-intrusive advertising, where one finds, for example, Amazon. In this white list for "non-obtrusive" advertising you can not buy believing it adblockplus company from Cologne.

    I'm curious how you did a previous versions of advertising blockers could play only in smartphones their strengths, which were rooted. Root caused a blocking of advertising at surfing via WLAN and UMTS, a normal smartphone without root could only last in the wireless block ads.

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    AdBlock Plus Apps for Android now in Play Store

    Posted by Unknown Senin, 17 Juni 2013 0 komentar
    Now the awaited apps for many android users which can block the annoying ads smartphone has been released. Regular readers are well informed, becuase they already knew yesterday that the ad blocker AdBlock Plus for Android will be released today at Play Store from Google. I have explained the operation already yesterday at length, so I'll spare the time at this point and if you want to read more about the official release not for adblock plus you can read on my previous post: adblock plus ready to release.Android is good

    Adblock for android release

    How to Block Ads On Android

    AdBlock Plus is one of the few ad blockers that do not require root privileges, the full function given but only with root privileges. Currently missing but unfortunately the computer from known and much loved white and blacklists. I personally put those advertising blocks really only for very stubborn sites which I know from the front in, popping up here equal to 10 popups and virus messages - but really only on this. Conversely, "thank you" I am also happy to websites when using the post like / or has helped the advertising is interesting.

    Once to for the new AdBlock Plus usesr, disabled "Show notifications" but please ideally under Apps - Adblock Plus - App Info. Thus, you also get no message when advertising is blocked.

    Download Adblock Plus from play store

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    AdBlock Plus App Caused High Data Consumption

    Posted by Unknown Minggu, 16 Juni 2013 0 komentar
    In my previous post i have told you about advertisement blocker apps on android smartphone and where to download it. So if you didn't read it, you read on AdBlock Plus Apps On Playstore. Now i will discuss more about adblock pluss review. Recently i received about the ad blocker for Android AdBlock Plus reports. Here I would like to at least explain a point short on something.Android is good

    Adblock Plus app causes namely significantly more high data consumption , more precisely up to 10 times more data. Actually, a ad blocker do the exact opposite. Just when you only spend a few data volume, but if when you acces big data volume with adblock plus app on it you should think about it.

    Adblock pluss app caused 10 times more data consumption

    The principle, which is why it absorbs so much data volumes, sometimes simply explained: AdBlock Plus filters to the data from the website see what data is advertising and what is not. As an example, let's take a video from Youtube. This needs to be charged several times and filter out the ads. Even with these web pages are loaded in the background several times to filter out the ads. So really makes no sense now. And it creates a healthy ecosystem that's not even. The many bloggers - like me - or services are funded in part by advertising revenue and eg buy new equipment or similar. I would by reason of recommend, as loyalty to the bloggers and developers over these services to non-use.

    But If you really want this system to make filter ads on android smartphone, you can also use and download the Adfree app from the Channel Store. This does require root privileges, but can still filter directly by Host records which is more less data consumption.

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    ROM GlamourS4 v2.1 Android 4.2.2 Samsung Galaxy S3 [Review y Tutorial]

    Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 15 Juni 2013 0 komentar
    Link del vídeo:

    Vídeo review de la ROM GlamourS4 v2.1 para el Samsung Galaxy S3. Esta custom tiene como base la versión filtrada de Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean que incorpora nuevas funciones. La apariencia de la ROM es totalmente stock con funciones y apps del Galaxy S4. Para más detalles sobre funciones y cambios de esta ROM visitar la página del autor aquí.

    Observaciones y recomendaciones importantes para instalar la ROM 
    • Para llevar acabo el tutorial debes tener instalado el CWM, pues instalaremos la ROM desde el Recovery.  Sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí.
    • Realizar un backup de la carpeta efs si es la primera vez que flasheas una ROM. Sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí. Este paso es de suma importancia para aquellos que tienen un terminal que no es libre de fábrica y van a cambiar de ROM por primera vez. 
    • Realizar un backup de tu ROM actual (opcional) para restaurarla después en caso de que sea necesario, sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí
    • Recuerda que al realizar los wipes: todos los archivos como por ejemplo fotos, músicas y vídeos serán borrados si estos se almacenan en la memoria interna del terminal. Puedes copiar tus archivos a la tarjeta SD (o al ordenador) para que no sean borrados.
    • Si deseas guardar las .apk (archivo instalador de apps) de tus Aplicaciones de la Play Store para poder instalarlas luego sin tener que descargarlas nuevamente mira aquí. 
    • Para no perder ninguno de tus contactos puedes sincronizarlos con tu cuenta de gmail para restaurarlos después de actualizar. 
    • Antes de actualizar tendrás que cargar tu terminal lo suficiente para garantizar que no se interrumpa el proceso de instalación. 

    Archivos necesarios 

    Para instalar la ROM debemos seguir estos pasos:
    1. Descargar la ROM.
    2. Copiar el archivo que hemos descargado en la memoria de nuestro terminal sin descomprimirlo. 
    3. Apagar el terminal. 
    4. Iniciar en modo recovery presionando simultáneamente los botones volumen "arriba + home + power" hasta que aparezca el menú de recovery. 
    5. Realizamos la limpieza de datos: "Wipe data factory reset", "Wipe cache partition", "Wipe dalvik cache" (en advanced).
    6. Volvemos al menú inicial y seleccionamos "Install ZIP from SD Card" y luego seleccionamos la opción "Internal SDcard" (memoria interna del terminal) o "External SDcard" (tarjeta SD) dependiendo de donde hayamos copiado los archivos descargados. 
    7. Buscamos el archivo "GlamourS4-byHL-v2.1" lo seleccionamos, confirmamos y comenzará a ejecutarse el instalador Aroma.
    8. Configuramos las opciones según nuestros gustos hasta llegar al paso final donde tendremos que confirmar para instalar la ROM, confirmamos y el proceso de instalación comenzará.
    9. Cuando la instalación finalice seleccionamos "Reboot".
    10. El terminal se reinicia. El primer arranque puede demorar algunos minutos, es normal.
    11. Listo, ya tenemos nuestra nueva ROM instalada.

    Más información 
    • ¿Dudas sobre qué es el recovery, ROM, ROOT, flasheo, wipes?. Mirar aquí.
    • Preguntas frecuentes de los usuarios. Mirar aquí.
    • ¿Problemas después de cambiar de ROM? Conexión 3G o bloqueo SIM. Mirar aquí.

      Créditos | XDA

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      Google Employee Confirmed Key Lime Pie In Comic?

      Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
      In Last few days, we believe that the new iteration of Android operating system that will follow Jelly Bean as the new version will named as Key Lime Pie. But Google has ever even mentioned that this will actually be the name of the next iteration?Android is good

      New android Version will be Key Lime Pie ?

      In about half a year, Google will present us with certainty the next version of Android at the Google I / O in San Francisco. At least count on the experience of the past. Whether this is will be Android 4.3 or 5.0 is currently difficult to say, but theoretically it could already be the next major update. Also this version will contain a code name, which is derived from a dessert.

      In the alphabet will follow after the J by Jelly Bean a K as key lime pie, at least those were the previous rumors on this subject. Here are the previous version of Android

      • 1.5 Cupcake
      • 1.6 Donut
      • 2.0 Eclair
      • 2.2 Froyo
      • 2.3 Gingerbread
      • 3.x Honyecomb
      • 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich
      • 4.1 + Jelly Bean

      key lime pie is android new version
      android kei lime pie comic

      So far, it was rumored that key lime pie is the next candy that will accompany the next version of Android as a code name. Something official I have at least not been found on the Internet, only "Eventuells" and maybes. " Features and Co have so far been speculation regarding the name but I have something for you. Does it make things official when a Google employee paints a comic strip that shows an android who ate the Key Lime Pie? But maybe this key lime pie version maybe really will be next version of android. Because there is a news that says if sony have made an android 5.0 benchmark on their smartphone.

      The One who Responsible for the comic itself is Manu Cornet, which not only draws comics , but also works at Google on Gmail Team . I chose the title carefully, perhaps the comic is only created because of Googlers based on rumors - but perhaps he knows more than we do

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      ROM Root Box v4.0 Android 4.2.2 Samsung Galaxy S2 [Review & Tutorial]

      Posted by Unknown Jumat, 14 Juni 2013 0 komentar
      Link del vídeo:

      Review de la custom ROM Root Box v4.0 Android 4.2.2 para el Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100. Para conocer todos los detalles de esta ROM visitar la página del autor aquí.

      Observaciones y recomendaciones importantes para instalar la ROM 
      • Para llevar acabo el tutorial debes tener instalado el CWM, pues instalaremos la ROM desde el Recovery. Sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí.
      • Realizar un backup de la carpeta efs si es la primera vez que flasheas una ROM. Sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí. Este paso es de suma importancia para aquellos que tienen un terminal que no es libre de fábrica y van a cambiar de ROM por primera vez. 
      • Realizar un backup de tu ROM actual (opcional) para restaurarla después en caso de que sea necesario, sino sabes como hacerlo mira aquí
      • Recuerda que al realizar los wipes: todos los archivos como por ejemplo fotos, músicas y vídeos serán borrados si estos se almacenan en la memoria interna del terminal. Puedes copiar tus archivos a la tarjeta SD (o al ordenador) para que no sean borrados.
      • Si deseas guardar las .apk (archivo instalador de apps) de tus Aplicaciones de la Play Store para poder instalarlas luego sin tener que descargarlas nuevamente mira aquí.  
      • Para no perder ninguno de tus contactos puedes sincronizarlos con tu cuenta de gmail para restaurarlos después de actualizar. 
      • Antes de actualizar tendrás que cargar tu terminal lo suficiente para garantizar que no se interrumpa el proceso de instalación. 

      Archivos necesarios 

      Para instalar la ROM debemos seguir estos pasos:
      • Descargar la ROM.
      • Descargamos las gapps (para instalar todos los servicios de google) la más actual.
      • Copiar los dos archivos que hemos descargado en la memoria de nuestro terminal sin descomprimirlos. 
      • Apagar el terminal. 
      • Iniciar en modo recovery presionando simultáneamente los botones volumen "arriba + home + power" hasta que aparezca el menú de recovery. 
      • Realizamos la limpieza de datos: "Wipe data factory reset"
      • Volvemos al menú inicial y seleccionamos "Install ZIP from SD Card" y luego seleccionamos la opción "Internal SDcard" (memoria interna del terminal) o "External SDcard" (tarjeta SD) dependiendo de donde hayamos copiado los archivos descargados. 
      • Buscamos el archivo "RootBox-JB-i9100-V4.0" lo seleccionamos, confirmamos y comienza la instalación.
      • Cuando la instalación termine buscamos el archivo "gapps-jb-20130301-signed" lo seleccionamos, confirmamos y comienza la instalación nuevamente.
      • Cuando la instalación finalice volvemos atrás hasta el menú inicial y seleccionamos, "Wipe cache partition" y luego "Wipe dalvik cache" (en advanced).
      • Por último seleccionamos "Reboot System Now" y el terminal se reinicia. 
      • El primer arranque puede demorar algunos minutos, es normal.
      • Listo, ya tenemos nuestra nueva ROM instalada.

        Más información 
        • ¿Dudas sobre qué es el recovery, ROM, ROOT, flasheo, wipes?. Mirar aquí.
        • Preguntas frecuentes de los usuarios. Mirar aquí.
        • ¿Problemas después de cambiar de ROM? Conexión 3G o bloqueo SIM. Mirar aquí.

        Créditos | XDA

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